Woodham Family Papers

Displaying 26 - 50 of 119
Woodham Family Papers-Chronological List of Turnages, 1711-1850
This collection contains various genealogical records, such as photocopies of birth, death, and marriage records, written family histories, and genealogical newsletters.
Woodham Family Papers-Church records
This collection contains various genealogical records, such as photocopies of birth, death, and marriage records, written family histories, and genealogical newsletters.
Woodham Family Papers-Dale County Cemetery Records
This collection contains various genealogical records, such as photocopies of birth, death, and marriage records, written family histories, and genealogical newsletters.
Woodham Family Papers-Family of Iris Larue Wilcox
The ancestral tree of Iris L. Wilcox
Woodham Family Papers-General Guide to Marriage Index
A compilation of Woodham family marriages
Woodham Family Papers-Generation Log
A generation log of Woodham descendants
Woodham Family Papers-Irma Transue Tindell
Turnage ancestral tree from Irma Transue Tindell
Woodham Family Papers-Lee County Probate Office Records
The probate office records of the Woodham Family in SC. These records span from 1890 to about 1920. Two fires wiped out earlier records, in 1860 and 1883.
Woodham Family Papers-Lee County SC Cemetery
A list of all those buried at the Woodham Family Cemetery in Lee County, SC. Some of the people of note have a page biography written by Robert E. Woodham.
Woodham Family Papers-MAMA country, Collection of Family Genealogy in Dale County
Ma-Ma’s Country, written by Manonia Snell, is a recorded history of the early years of Dale Co. Alabama. The book was published in 1991.
Woodham Family Papers-Mewborn Family Cemetery
Mewborn family cemetery records
Woodham Family Papers-Miscellanous folder
Information related to the daughter of Irma Transue Turnidge-Tindall. It also has the minutes from the fifth annual Woodham family reunion.
Woodham Family Papers-Mormon Church Records
Genealogy files accessed in 1999, from the Gendex.com website. These files were provided by the Mormon Church.
Woodham Family Papers-My Life At Hickney Grove, by Lula Woodham
A pamphlet written by Lula Woodham of Opp, Alabama. This details all the years she’s attended Hickney Grove’s Baptist Church in Dale County, Alabama.
Woodham Family Papers-National Registry of Living Woodhams, 1991
A complete list of all living Woodham’s in the year 1991. IT includes addresses and telephone numbers.
Woodham Family Papers-Norma Turnage-Parrish Family
Turnage-Parrish photos and information
Woodham Family Papers-North Carolina Deeds
Information on deeds and land holdings in several counties throughout NC. The records contain info from counties such as Bertie, Chowan, and Craven among various others.