Woodham Family Papers

Displaying 51 - 75 of 119
Woodham Family Papers-Original Family Records Volume II
The Original Family Data sheets and other records furnished by Turnage relatives.
Woodham Family Papers-Original Turnage Notes for research, Robert Woodham
personal notes written by Robert E. Woodham. These notes consist of his thoughts, ideas, and also some information regarding the Woodham and Turnage Family histories.
Woodham Family Papers-Pitt County, North Carolina Deed Records
A listing of all Turnage’s in Pitt County,NC and their land holdings, deeds, and mortgages. Also the names of whomever is buying or leasing land is also recorded. These records span from 1763-1940.
Woodham Family Papers-Robert E Woodham Email Correspondences,
email, blog, and mail correspondences conducted between Robert Woodham and other members of his family. These correspondences date back to the late 1970s up until the early 2000s, as these were the peak periods in which he conducted research.
Woodham Family Papers-Robert E Woodham, Correspondences
Email correspondences from several members of the Turnage family. These conversations range from new information to add to the family archive, to requests for information or newsletter.
Woodham Family Papers-Roxwell, Essex County, Turnage
Documents dating back to the 1580s. These files come from Essex County, England. These files are specific and list Turnages from the respective times as they appear in Birth, death, marriage, and deed records.
Woodham Family Papers-The Children of Levi Peacock
the life and descendants of Levi Peacock
Woodham Family Papers-The Cicero Turnage Family History and Records
A Turnage Family History as compiled by Cathy Turnage.
Woodham Family Papers-The Turnage Family, by Richards Wentworth Turnage
The Turnage Family History, written by Richard Wentworth Turnage. This history is by far incomplete, but contains some valuable information. It was published in 1964.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Anglican Parish Records
These records come from the Anglican church of England and they cover Christenings, Birth, and death records. These records contain many different spellings for the name Turnage, due to not having one spelling for the name and lack of literacy left the spelling up to those who could read and write.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Census Records 1860-1900
Census information on the Turnage Family member from the years 1860-1900. This information also highlights their movements.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Census, 1920
Turnage family census records from 1920
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Church Records
U.S. Turnage church records as well as burial records.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage English History
The Turnage family English History. This file in particular has an index of names of English Turnage with varied name spellings. These people were all related, and this lends to Woodham’s theory that all Woodham’s and Turnage with varied spellings in the United States, are related.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family Birth Records
Turnage birth records. These records come from various states across the south.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family Data Sheets
Family data sheets of the Turnage Family. These sheets were submitted by family members to Robert Woodham, who copy and retained these for the Turnage Family History and other genealogy purposes.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family English Index
An index of the Turnage Family History in Great Britain. This index dates back to the late 1500s.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family Group Papers
Family group records from the Turnage family; these were prepared by Woodham after he received information cards from the surviving members of the Turnage family.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family History Book
Both copies of the Woodham Family Histories, Volumes one and two. These copies are out of print and only those who ordered the copies from Woodham himself still have access to the copies.
Woodham Family Papers-Turnage Family Index Part II
An index of Turnage family members